Tuesday, 23 August 2016

OOPs Based ROR Features to Bring Revolution in Web Design Industry

Ruby on Rails is one of the excellent technologies for the web developers and programmers. Being used since 2003, RoR has brought dynamic changes in the world of the website design and development. Before the RoR , web designing and development were always seems to be a combusting job for any programmer and also time consuming.
Thanks to the RoR community that has enabled many developers to design a website quite easily in less time. There are thousands of RoR developers in the open source community residing in various countries and contributing to make this platform much better. RoR developers in India, UK, US, Australia are majorly contributing in the progress and expansion of this language. RoR is an open source platform and provide various tailor made tools and plugins on frameworks for website designing and the development.
RoR is based on OOPs (Object Oriented Programming Languages) defined on the Rails Framework. The entire module of the ROR is based on MVC that is Model, View & controller. ROR comes with an easy and readable programming that allows developers to create custom websites in a very less time. Shopify, Twitter, 500 PX and Github are some of the popular websites designed on RoR.
According to RoR developers in India, this is an open source language, therefore it offers number of programming techniques and alternatives. The web users are free to select the different types of coding compatible with the Rails framework. They can also customize the CSS of the website and make the website more attractive and user friendly. ROR has made it quite easy for the website owners maintain their website. Once a website is designed using the RoR framework, then any website owner can make changes later on the website without having any deep knowledge of RoR. It comes with an easy user friendly interface that allows users to access the different modules in the admin section and make changes what ever they want.

A RoR based website can be launched in quite a less time than the website designed in other open source platforms. As per an estimate, it would take approximately around 6 weeks to introduce a fresh website and if this can be done on other frameworks, it would take around 12 weeks. Ruby on Rails is one of the cost effective website designing platforms. The website owners don’t need to spend huge amount for designing an eCommerce website. The product uploading and image uploading can be done quite easily on the RoR and in a cost effective manner. 

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