Friday, 15 May 2015

Ruby On Rails Developer In India

There are many alternatives to develop software; Ruby on Rails is the most popular open source web framework used by web developers and programmers for rapid development. Nowadays, more than 200,000 websites including BBC, Amazon, CNET, Cisco, Hulu, GitHub, LivingSocial NASA, JP Morgan, Twitter, NASA, Yahoo and Scribd uses this technology for web applications and software development. Rails use the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture pattern to manage application programming. It helps to use the web standards such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript for display and user interfacing and XML or JSON for data transfer.

Why Every Web Developer Needs to Learn Rails?
Rails is the revolutionize way to create web application which is the common outsource software development work. The word caution for the US and UK companies who want to outsource ruby on rails developer in India. Outsourcing contains several models like freelancing model, outright project outsourcing model and virtual employee model. The web applications developed by RoR is easily accessible, simple, free and easy to manipulate.

Rails also offer some SEO Plugins like Headliner for Title, Metamagic for Meta Tags, Gretel to display Breadcrumbs, Friendlyld for Friendly URLs and Dynamic Sitemaps to create Sitemaps for building a Search Engine Friendly Web Application.

Final Thought
Every web developer must be aware with the Rails API development and integration. It provides adorable results as well as grows your business worldwide.

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