Wednesday, 8 February 2017

How to Use Pluck in Ruby on Rails

Why Use Pluck in Ruby on Rails:
Pluck in ROR is used to get array of particular attribute based on particular condition from database. If you only require a few attributes from a table, rather than instantiating a collection of models and then running a .map over them to get the data you need, it’s much more efficient to use .pluck to pull back only the attributes you need as an array.
The benefits of using pluck are: better SQL performance and less time and memory spent in Ruby on Rails in India.
Standard format of using pluck method is
Using Pluck:
  1. You can select one or more attributes without loading a bunch of records just to grab the attributes you want.
  2. You will get array of values of attribute which we pass to it.
  3. Pluck also replace select and map while querying.
  4. You can avoid extra loops to get ids from the collection of ActiveRecord while using the pluck method.
  5. Pluck is useful method in ruby to improving performance of your app.
  6. Pluck returns the array and breaks the ActiveRecord query method chain so becareful when you want to query on the result.
Pluck can be use in various ways to improve our code quality as well as speed of app, some of them are shown below
When you want array of ids from a table you can use pluck
eg. Category.pluck(:id)
# => [1, 2, 3]
You can use pluck to get array of multiple attributes from table
eg. Service.pluck(:id, :business_id)
# => [[1, 3], [2, 5], [3, 2]]
If you want unique values of attribute in array you can use pluck as given below
eg. Category.uniq.pluck(:name)
# => ['home', 'apartment', 'hotel']
You can use pluck in query itself
eg. categories = Category.where(name: “home”)
Service.where(category_id: categories.pluck(:id))
# => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Monday, 30 January 2017

All-in-One Messaging Toolbox for Ruby on Rails in India Developers

Give your web and mobile apps the power to exchange messages of any variety, from chat to SMS. You get global reach, delivery intelligence and the highest reliability over both IP and carrier networks, all with minimal development effort.
Here Twilio, is a cloud communications platform. We can able to use it in a various ways. It is specially available for the Ruby on Rails in India developers to get interact with the communication resources like., SMS, MMS, voice or video calls.
Twilio platform is available not only for ruby language but also for many kinds of programming languages like., C#.Net, Java, Python, PHP, Node, Android etc. The availability of the service is really good and easy for the developers perspective which bring something good for the developing application.
Using Twilio we can integrate SMS, MMS, or Voice and Video service in our developing application. It is just a couple of integration steps through which we can use the described services easily.
So, Lets start with the some programming language through which we can use it easily. The following steps with the description implements simple messaging service in our ruby on rails web application easily.
For implementing SMS service into our rails application by twilio we have to register freely onto Just after registration we will get the the attributes which we will use into our rails application and that are., TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN, TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, TWILIO_NUMBER.
Create a simple Rails application using “rails new ” .
STEP 3. gem install twilio-ruby
STEP 4. For the use of SMS service create a controller “Messaging_using_twilio”.
STEP 5. Create a method send_sms into the controller as well as we have to create a view which show only two fields, that are., Message text box and Send button.
STEP 6. Into the send_sms method we need to set three parameters which are we got from twilio account for the service use, that are., twilio_account_sid, twilio_auth_token, twilio_number.
STEP 7. Just below the parameters initialization we will create rest object of the twilio or instantiate Twilio::REST::Client To access Twilio REST resources. The Twilio::REST::Client needs your Twilio credentials(twilio_account_sid, twilio_auth_token, twilio_number). It will return twilio REST resources.
STEP 8. Then just after that we can call the method messages.create() which require :from, :to and :body parameters. The :from is our twilio contact number, :to is our registered contact number (or any contact number if :from number is a paid/ purchased) and :body is nothing but our string message.
STEP 9. The twilio-ruby library will throw a Twilio::REST::RequestError. 400-level errors are normal during API operation (“Invalid number”, “Cannot deliver SMS to that number”, for example) and should be handled appropriately. Through out this way you can easily implement sms service using twilio trial account.
def send_sms
ENV['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID'] = "AC48df98e647aeaasdasAASD232bbc26863"
ENV['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN'] = "5819a96aed8298f232130f212137b5"
ENV['TWILIO_NUMBER'] = "+11159878489"
response = client.messages.create(
to: params[:phone_no],
body: "Welcome to Twilio SMS service.")
render json: {:response => response}, status: :ok
rescue Twilio::REST::RequestError => e
render json: {:errmsg => e.message}, status: :ok