Thursday, 19 March 2015

Ruby on Rails is the Fastest Java Based Framework

Making web or mobile application is not an easy task. At times it takes weeks or even months to develop a complete and effective application. However, the Ruby on Rails technology has successfully eliminated the programming barrier. David Heinemeier Hansson is first to introduce ruby on rails technology. Since 2003, the technology is being effectively used by many big and small companies.

Ruby on rails technology is a combination of different components, such as: Action web services, Prototype, Action pack, Action mailer and Active record. RoR i.e. Ruby on Rails works on OOP language i.e. object oriented programming language. This language is very similar to the Perland Python. The distinguishing factor of this framework is that it is user-friendly and offers unexpected speed, other development framework lack these features. The usual development cycle is highly time consuming but ruby and rails developers can skip many inconvenient steps and can enforce the changes in no time.

The ruby on rails framework is built on an open source and it is meant for all the developers present around the globe. Some of the highly popular applications built using ruby on rails framework are Twitter, Github, Shopify, 500px and more. Many websites processing Bitcoin Payment Integration, which is one of the very popular crytocurrency concept is also build on ROR framework. David Geary One of the Java experts have also accepted the fact that Ruby on Rails technology is very beneficial for creating blogs because this operates much faster than other Java based framework.         

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Ways to Improve RoR Application Performance

There are two chief factors that affects the performance of the application, first is the database size and second is the structure of the application. Identification of factors that can adversely affect the performance of the application and sorting techniques and architectural solutions that can improve the performance is very crucial. Some of the prime factors affecting ruby on rails applications are:

lOping for a slow session container

lUsing inefficient helpers methods

lExecution of tasks on request basis and not on calling basis

lWider database

lWhile processing requests use of similar computation. 

If Ruby on rails developer in india  focus on all the problematic areas discussed above, then you can manage to minimize its occurrence and can improve the performance to a drastic extent.       

Ruby on Rails framework has several in built session containers. Among all, the two widely used containers are PStore and ActiveRecordStore. PStore stores information in separate file, whereas, ActiveRecordStore information directly in the database. Both these containers considerably slow down when pages are cached and this adversely affect the performance of the application.        

Now lets take a look on the solution, there are two effective alternatives of these containers, they are MemCacheStore and SQLSessionStore. These alternatives successfully maintain their speed even in the cached pages, this ultimately leads yo faster execution of the proposed codes and thus better performance. One very important thing that need to be considered is that, one should avoid using class level caching is they use similar data repeatedly for a single request processing.